
Current Location of All Major Characters in Onigashima (Chapter 1040)

  • Law and Kid’s fight against Big Mom continues and concludes. Big Mom falls into the crater on Wano Country alongside other explosives, where she falls victim to another, much bigger explosion.
  • The explosion in the weapons vault destroys the lower portion of Onigashima and is felt throughout most of it. Kazenbo gets directly hit by the explosion and shrinks down in size. The ground beneath Zoro crumbles and he begins to fall off the island.
  • Yamato manages to protect herself and the remaining bombs in the armory from the explosion set off by Big Mom. Yamato approaches Momonosuke through a hole caused by the explosion as he continues to pull Onigashima away from the Flower Capital.

With the way the plot is heading, it’s nice to get a good reminder as to where everybody is:


*by kerbeks12

Wano Arc will lead to the End of the Yonko Era!

How each Yonko Crew represents a different way of becoming Powerful