So we recently found out that Shakuyaku “Shakky” was the Empress of Amazon Lily tribe from two generations ago.

And we have been told that both of the Empresses before Boa Hancock have died. So this leaves a question, did the Empress before Boa Hancock really die? If not, who is it?

Given that the difference of age between Shakky and Boa Hancock is 33 years (31 – 64), the Empress could’ve been someone around the middle of that age wich is 47.5 years.
Well, I went in search of characters around that age and the only females around that age are either daughters of Big Mom (Charlotte Mondée, Charlotte Hachée, etc…) or Shinobu wich is from Wano. But I saw a certain character that we’ve already seen some theories about being a woman: Sir Crocodile (46 years old)

This combined with Ivankov saying that he knows a certain secret of Crocodile may indicate that he really is not only a woman, but a former Empress of Amazon Lily.

This also might leave some theories on Luffy being the son of an Empress… but we’ll leave this for later.
What do you think?
*Theory by Wpiece