
Luffy’s Gear 5 shares many similarities with Enel’s Goro Goro No Mi!


-It’s already known that Gear 4 Bounceman shares the same pose as Enel’s ultimate technique MAX 200,000,000 Volt Amaru transformation.


-Now, in his Gear 5 form Luffy has white clouds floating around his neck, just like Enel when he uses his MAX 200,000,000 Volt Amaru transformation.

-Luffy recently unlocked Gomu Gomu no Gigant, a technique where he expands himself to the size of a literal giant, as if activating Gear 3 on his entire body. As we have already seen Enel is able morph his body into pure, 200,000,000-V electricity while growing in size to become a giant, potbellied, Raijin-esque lightning figure.


-Through Shinzo Massage, Enel regain his consciousness in the event that his heart enters a state of cardiac arrest, by applying jolts of electricity to his body that effectively “massage” his heart, thereby restarting it. This was done by Enel to self-resuscitate after having his heart stopped from Wyper’s use of a Reject Dial on him.
In a similar way, Luffy can regain his strength by seemingly forcing his heart to beat in the rhythm of the Drums of Liberation.


-Lastly, Luffy is capable of holding lightning bolts while in Gear 5.

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Cover Page of Chapter 1046 confirms that Blackbeard Pirates are already on Whole Cake Island!