From what I’ve seen so far, compared to the other Yonkos, I think Kaido is the least affectionate Yonko towards his crewmates.

Whitebeard wanted a family and treated everyone exactly like his own sons.

Shanks was very selective in choosing people he could trust, and that resulted in small but tight-knit group of friends.

Big Mom is/was a giant child-making factory & has a crew consists of only her family. Yes, she has political reasons to have many kids, but she also has her own moral code to have everyone live a happy life (which should include her children). At least that applies when she’s not in rage mode.

Blackbeard was also very selective in choosing the strongest people to join his crew. But we’ve seen him having fun with them. And he’s surprisingly approachable as a person (remember his interaction with Luffy when they were still nobodies) and also loves to have fun.

Kaido? He just wants to gather strong people to join his crew by any means necessary (torture, slavery, etc), and start the “greatest war the world has ever seen”. Kaido actively sought out strong and formidable manpower in the New World to draft into his ranks. Those who resist or defy his attempts are often sent to slave away at the mines of Udon until they either die or their spirits break and submit to Kaido. Kaido himself has not demonstrated much concern for his crew. He doesn’t seem to mind infighting in his crew as long as he gets what he wants. This could be a shadow of a trait he picked up during his time in the Rocks Pirates as we know that the Rocks Pirates were famous for infighting.

Look at Doflamingo for example. When he lost to Luffy, Kaido only cared about the SMILE factory. According to Kaido, Doflamingo can go to hell for being “weak” in the first place.

Compare that to Whitebeard who was willing to go to war with the World Government to save Ace.

*by Nocvius