
A Potential Fight that could take place at the Reverie


A lot of people are really hyped for the Reverie Arc right now. The Reverie is the meeting of all the Kings of the world. We’re going to see Vivi again, and we’ll probably see the Gorosei again, and maybe even finally learn their names. And now, as of chapter 904, it’s been confirmed 100% that the Revolutionary Army is going there to declare war on the Celestial Dragons.


That’s all great stuff and I can’t wait. But there’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. In One Piece: Film Gold, we briefly got a fight that had the potential to be friggin’ awesome, but it ended up being more a teasing than anything else. I’m talking about Sabo vs Rob Lucci.

However, after the last chapter revealed the Revolutionary Army’s intention to declare war on the Celestial Dragons, I got to thinking. Rob Lucci, as of right now, is a member of CP Aigis 0. CP Aigis 0 isn’t like the other Cipher Pols because they don’t take order from the World Government itself. CP Aigis 0 are at the personal beck and call of the Celestial Dragons.


What I’m getting at here is basically that, in the Reverie Arc, because of his membership in CP Aigis 0, there’s a very good chance that we’ll get to see Rob Lucci again. And, not only that, but once the Revolutionary Army shows up and starts attacking the Celestial Dragons, CP Aigis 0 will probably show up to help deal with them. If that happens, then there’s a very real possibility that we’ll actually get to see Sabo vs Rob Lucci in canon.


*Theory by Takatalvi

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