In Chapter 1079, if you zoom in far enough, you can see one of the ship in Shanks’ fleet has a skull eye patch as their jolly roger.

If you didn’t know, in 2007, Oda wrote in One Piece Paradise that “in the final scene of One Piece, there is one pirate who appear with an eye patch. I’m itching to draw this character.”

Oda uses pirate stereotypes sparingly, like the pegleg on Zeff, hook hand on Crocodile, or shoulder pet bird on Lucci. He is saving the eye patch pirate for last, even Zoro who has one eye didn’t use eye patch. For now, the popular theory is Luffy will be the pirate with an eye patch.

But now the eye patch jolly roger is finally here. Could this be the guy Oda wanted to draw. Could this be the pirate that Oda was talking about? Will this random ship in the background finally has the eye patch character we have been waiting for?
*by laughtale0