As we know the Bari Bari no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to generate barriers, making them a Barrier Human.

The main strength of this fruit is that it allows the user to form invisible barriers, though they can be solidified to become visibly transparent, resembling a pane of glass. This protects the user from attacks from either front or back.

Kurozumi Semimaru, the former user of this fruit, demonstrated that the barrier can also withstand an extremely powerful slash from Kozuki Oden, whose swordmanship could cut the gigantic Mountain God in half and even damage the near-invincible Kaido!

The fact that even a beast like Oden (the same dude who stood his ground against someone like prime Whitebeard, can’t break past it) means that the Bari Bari no Mi is way more overpowered than we thought!

I knew that Bara Bara no Mi’s barrier was supposed to be unbreakable, but I always assumed it was some sort of hyperbole and with enough force you could get past it. And I was always a firm believer that strong enough Haki could bypass the effects of any devil fruit.

This belief was because of the statement by Doflamingo during Punk Hazard with Law vs Vergo. An overpowered devil fruit such as the Ope Ope no Mi could be stopped by Haki, that means anything else could be as well, right?

Well Kurozumi Semimaru demonstrated that Bari Bari no Mi can bypass the exeptional Haki of Oden, the same Oden who is about to wound and damage Kaido.

This means that Bartolomeo is virtually untouchable, even top tiers can’t probably do him anything if he surrounds himself!

So how strong exactly is the Bari Bari no Mi? Could Kaido break it? And Prime Whitebeard, Prime Garp or Roger?