
Gomu Gomu No Mi’s Powers may be related to the Sun!


Blackbeard to Ace “the sun or the darkness…who will win?”


The Gomu Gomu No Mi and Yami Yami No Mi look very similar to each other almost as if they’re related.

Blackbeard and Luffy are like 2 sides of the same coin.


Could the Gomu Gomu No Mi’s true name/powers be related to the sun?


Is this what it means to bring the Dawn?

Just as how Sabo inherited Ace’s will, Luffy did the same with Joy Boy’s will?

Luffy’s new form/awakening is the Sun God and the perfect time to show this is during the Fire Festival.

Just as how the lanterns have lit the sky, Luffy’s new form will radiate an even stronger light that will be visible to the entirety of Wano-Kuni signalling the arrival of the Dawn.

*Theory by 50thsun

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