
Is Zoro going to free Eustass Kid?


As we all know the last time we saw Zoro he was planning on boarding a ship. The ship appeared to be heading towards some factory. Well, what if Zoro ends up where Kid is?


Kid recognizes Zoro and he may be surprise to see him sneaking around and get his attention to help him out so he can fight Kaido. I know, this is really a long shot since the last time we saw Kid he was imprisoned in a room where Kaido seemed to operate from.

However, what if Kaido is currently in the Flower capital meeting with the Shogun or Kid was transferred over to another holding facility and that’s where Zoro will end up.
My reasoning behind this thought is that right now would be a great time to get Kid to join the Beast Pirates’ opposition to give him time to be treated by Law and Chopper so he can actually be of use in the fight.
If he was let’s say freed during the revolt, I can see him fighting running on pure anger and revenge but still he would be much more useful while being healthy. Also, he could provide intel to the alliance of things he might have over heard Kaido and his men talking about.


Zoro would be the perfect guy to do something this reckless and random as ending up in a place like that. He might not even run into Kid, but another Supernova like Apoo who help Zoro by directing him towards where Kid is because they’ve been wanting to help him escape but are too scared of Kaido.

*Theory by DarkMage_Kaizoku

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