
Jaguar D. Saul is “The Man Marked by Flames” Eustass Kid is looking for!


We are all shocked by what the last chapter has shown us. Shaka revealed that after the Ohara Incident, Vegapunk visited Elbaf and memorized every book the Giants recovered from Ohara.
Shaka also revealed to Robin that Jaguar D. Saul is alive and was responsible for salvaging the books.


Saul is most likely “the man marked by flames” that Kid and Killer mentioned. According to Kid and Killer, he could be key to the war for the One Piece.

Jaguar D. Saul still having a role to play as the probable man marked by flames is very interesting. I knew him being part of the D. Clan was meant to be of more importance. Maybe Ohara actually possessed the final Road Poneglyph, and Saul had it moved to Elbaf along with the books? It would give the Straw Hats even more incentive to go there, aside of course from Robin seeing her friend again.


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