
King and Katakuri share so many similarities!


1- King and Katakuri are around the same age: King is 47 years old, Katakuri is 48 years old.


2- Both of them are the First Commanders of their respective Yonko crew and the right hand men of their captains.

3- They wear the same manner of dark black edgy spiked leather clothes.


4- They say the same line in the anime:


5- They both have an over 1 billion bounty.

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Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è 612f94f6e6c68.jpg

6- Both of them hide/cover their faces and get angry when someone sees it.

7- They have the same crimson red eye color.

8- Both of them have tattoos on their bodies.

9- Both of them have a calm, collected and stoic personality, preferring to talk less.

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10- Finally, both of them end up fighting the 2 strongest in the Straw Hats crew who have Conqueror’s Haki (Luffy & Zoro respectively) in 1v1.

*by centurion

Chopper’s Power-Up: The Next Rumble Ball

15 Amazing Hints and Foreshadows that Oda has sprinkled throughout the whole series!