In One Piece Green: Secret Pieces an early concept of the crew was revealed. No changes in particular are seen in Luffy, Zoro, and Nami aside from a few small ones; such as Zoro carrying a bottle of sake on his waist and wearing a dark shirt rather than a white one, and Nami’s skirt being a little wavy rather than having straight cuts.

- Sanji was supposed to have a somewhat thicker goatee from the beginning.
- Usopp was supposed to be a vice captain/sniper that resembled his father more.
- Chopper was supposed to be more of a “realistic-looking reindeer”.
- Brook also was supposed to have a Cavalier hat, instead of his trademark afro.
- The far left character is labeled “Shipbuilder”. He was supposed to be the shipwright and was replaced by Franky.
- The second one from the left is labeled “Plant / Vegetation”. He was meant to be a plant obsessed character who was replaced by Nico Robin and largely incorporated into the post-timeskip Ussop.

