Chapter 1065 is titles “Six Vegapunk“. Color Spread is dedicated to One Piece Film Red.

- Seraphim Jinbe attacks Sanji’s group.
- We discover the other 3 Vegapunk: Edison and Pythagoras are robots. York is the one that eat for the other Vegapunk.
- “Egghead” is not the island of the future, is the island of the past because its technology is similar to “Ancient Kingdom” technology.
- At the end of the chapter, Luffy’s group finds some ancient robots.

New Vegapunk versions descriptions.
- York: A girl physically like Lilth but with long hair and freckles on her face. She wears a white jacket (similar to Lilth’s) and a black tank top and panties. She appears sleeping in a bed.
- Edison: It’s a small robot with an oval head (like a rugby ball) and rabbit ears. It wears a suit similar to Atlas’ and has small propellers on his back with which it can fly.
- Pythagoras: It’s literally Robocon from the Ganbare!! Robocon series. Its design is a bit more elaborate, but it’s clearly a tribute to that robot.

Additional info (not every detail is 100% confirmed):
- Seraph Jinbei attacks Nami’s group. Nami, Robin, Franky and Usopp tried attacking it, but the Seraph took no damage. Sanji comes in with a kick.
- Sanji broke his leg bone hitting the Seraph’s skin. Sanji got heavy damage from Seraphim Jinbe.
- Sanji did not use Blue Flame.
- It was a regular kick. Sanji’s body is dislocated.
- Seraph Jinbei tries to attack Sanji.
- Three new Vegapunks come in and save Sanji.
- Two of those Vegapunk’s are robots and one is a big eater.
- Edison and Pythagoras are the robots.
- York is the Glutton.
- Vegapunk knows about Ancient Kingdom.
- “Egghead” is not the island of the future, is the island of the past because its technology is similar to “Ancient Kingdom” technology.
- They don’t know the entire ancient history of the Void Century but says that Egghead is less advanced compared to what the Ancient Kingdom had.
- Shakka and Dragon are still talking. We hear the entire conversation.
- At the end of the chapter, Luffy’s group finds some ancient robots.
