Based on the latest chapters and previous information, I have been attempting to piece together Roger’s and Oden’s journey and life until their deaths.

38 Years Ago:

– God Valley Incident. Gol D. Roger and Monkey D. Garp defeat Rocks D. Xebec.
At Least 30 Years Ago:

– Shanks and Buggy join the Roger Pirates.
– Roger obtains the Oro Jackson from Tom in Water 7.
30 Years Ago:

– Oden joins the Whitebeard Pirates.
28 Years Ago:

– Roger discovers his terminal illness and begins the final journey.
– Roger recruits Crocus at the Twin Cape.
28-27 Years Ago:

– Roger Pirates travel to Skypeia and Fishman Island?
– Roger Pirates enter New World and fight with Shiki in Edd War.
26 Years Ago:

– Roger Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates encounter each other on an unknown island. Roger recruits Oden.
– Roger Pirates travel to Wano to drop off Toki, Hiyori, and Momonosuke. They are shown the Road Poneglyph?
– Roger Pirates travel back to Fishman Island, Skypiea, and then back to the New World?
– Roger Pirates travel to Zou and are shown the Road Poneglyph. Inuarashi and Nekomamushi remain on Zou?
26-25 Years Ago:

– Roger Pirates travel to Whole Cake Island. Big Mom shows Roger her Road Poneglyph.
25 Years Ago:

– Roger Pirates travel to Laugh Tale.
– Having completed their journey, Roger disbands the crew.
– Oden returns to Wano.
– Roger travels to South Blue to be with Rouge.
24 Years Ago:

– Roger turns himself in to the Marines. He is executed and the Great Age of Pirates begin.
23 Years Ago:

– Moriah steals Ryuma’s corpse and Shusui. Wano faces a national tragedy.
20 Years Ago:

– Oden and his retainers attempt to open Wano Country. However, Oden is executed by Kaido and Orochi.
*by Fortunato