
Sanji Awaken His True Powers!


The fight between Sanji and Queen continues in Chapter 1034. Queen now serves both the role of the 3rd strongest member of the Beasts Pirates as well as the “final boss” to Sanji’s Germa Saga. Queen in fact is able to use the Vinsmoke brothers’ abilities.


Sanji is now tasked with the goal of not just defeating Queen, but surpassing his brothers who’s shadows he’s never managed to completely escape.

Queen ultimately resorts to using Sanji’s now lost ability to camouflage, but Sanji responds to it using his Haki specialty Observation, which Rayleigh describes as the power to sense the will of another itself.


Being invisible to the naked eye isn’t enough against someone adept at Observation Haki. If in almost poetic fashion, Observation is the Haki type Sanji specializes in, which perfectly counters his family inherited power of camouflage. Sanji’s conquered his doubts and past and is ready to move on with the skills he’s learned from his life ever since leaving the Germa Kingdom.


The exoskeleton turns out to be a rather resourceful power-up not only boosting Sanji’s defenses, but his attack and speed as well. With a body that can withstand hotter flames, stronger and faster kicks, Sanji can now unleash the higher-level Ifrit Jambe and blindingly fast speeds that a 2nd Yonko Commander with the power of invisibility thinks Sanji went invisible!

The speedy Sanji had to work hard to dodge Queen’s endless arsenal, still got tagged and was made to bleed through the exoskeleton. Sanji breaking Queen’s arm was a raw experience. The full Kuroobi combo and back kick as the finisher was the perfect nail in the coffin for a tanky Ancient Zoan. You can imagine the final Beef Burst as Sanji accepting his half human/half Germa weapon power — the passionate flames he got from Sora and a sparking kick emanating Judge’s Denji Crack, though I’m sure it’s just Haki.

The fight may not be over next chapter, but it’s clear from this moment onward, Sanji may truly be free from the shackles of his family.

*by KiriNigiri/Lampyris


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