
Sanji’s behavior in Chapter 1029 makes totally sense!


Chopper is surprised Sanji survived Queen’s attack, but Sanji starts to become afraid of the thought that he will become inhumane like his brothers. In response, Sanji immediately flees the Live Floor in the hopes that he can get some time to think about what is causing this new development, and if it continues, will he lose his emotions.


Right now I’m seeing a good amount of people disliking what Sanji did in the last chapter and I just don’t understand it. Sanji running and having a mental breakdown after realizing he might lose his feeling is a very natural reaction.

Leaving Kaido’s 2nd Commander behind with his allies is a bad decision? Yes it is. But people don’t realize that when someone is in panic or fear, they don’t necessarily think that far ahead of the best course of action or make the best decisions.


This moment ruined what Sanji has been doing for his entire life. Sora sacrificed herself for him to keep his emotions, Zeff gave up his leg and made it his job to bring Sanji up into someone he’s proud to be. His love for women, his loyalty to Luffy and the crew, his kindness to people in need, everything is on the verge of crumbling down. And you expect the guy to think: hmmm, I will leave that for later, but first, I need to fight Queen. No one should be in the right state of mind after something like this happened to them.


So no, Sanji running away wasn’t inconsistent with his character or forced writing by Oda. it’s a perfectly valid psychological reaction to what is happening to him. The sheer amount of trauma he must be going through from the years of his abusive childhood and the prospect of becoming everything that outright ruined his life would break anybody in that situation.

*by nouratef

Killer literally destroyed Basil Hawkins!

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