
Shanks has a only human crew


Whitebeard – He had a fishman and a guy from horned race as his Commanders.


Blackbeard – He has horned race , fishman and winged race under him and probably more now that he is a Yonko.

Big Mom – She has Homies, Pekoms( a talking lion capable of turning into a tortoise) and Tamago (long-legged person capable of turning into a chicken), Bobbin (a wide-faced mask-wearing man), Randolph( an anthropomorphic rabbit who rides a crane), Pudding( hybrid between a human and a member of the Three-Eye Tribe) making her crew one of the most diverse.


Kaido – He has lot of different races like horned race etc..


Shanks – We don’t see anyone from different race. Probably Shanks doesn’t take anyone from different race in his main ship.

The reason why Kuma separated the Straw Hat Pirates

The Strongest Crew Ever!