Surprising Connection between Impel Down Levels and the Five Elders
I just notice that the 5 Elders and the 5 levels of Impel Down line up too well.
Level 1: Crimson Hell – Spiders chase you while you are cut by razor sharp trees.
Saturn is a spider and his attack seems to be some kind of super sharp stab or poke.

Level 2: Wild Beast Hell – Wild beasts go around beating the hell out of you.
Mars turns into a bird like the basilisk and is in charge of nature and what’s more natural than wild beasts.

Level 3: Starvation Hell – A barren wasteland with no food or water.
Ju Peter is in charge of agriculture and is literally a sand worm.

Level 4: Blazing Hell – A place that is on fire that has a pot of boiling blood.
Warcury is a giant pig and they get roasted. Tbh i don’t think we have seen Warcury’ s powers yet and think he has some kind of fire ability or heat ability which could also be why red roc didn’t do much damage too.

Level 5: Freezing Hell – Frozen wasteland.
Nusjuro uses the same ice cold powers that Brook does or just that ice cold appearance too.

Where I am going with this is I believe the sacrifices and/or blood spilled in the individual respective hells is the source of power for the Five Elders. Those magic circles looked real blood magic esque and I think there is a direct link.

Imu could be a representation of Level 6 because prisoners there are essentially erased from history as Imu erases islands.
*Theory by twilightdelight72