The Theme that Oda is highlighting in the Egghead Arc
Throughout Egghead, there seems to be a running theme of people within the corrupt system that is the World Goverment, trying to either work within it towards reform, like Vegapunk, who uses Goverment’s funds to create technology that will make the world a better place or Mjosgard, who wants to use his power as a Celestial Dragon to protect the Fishmen.

And even Bartholomew Kuma… despite spending practically his entire life opposing the World Government, whether that’d be as a slave on God Valley saving civilians or as a 2nd in comand of the Revolutionary Army, for SOME REASON, he still willingly gave up his freedom and his own free will, in order to once again become a tool of Celestial Dragons.

In all 3 cases, these attempts to play by the rules made by those in power, horribly backfire.

I’m making this post, becuase I only made this connection with Chapter 1096, and it’s all thanks to Ivankov’s speech.

I think thats the idea Oda wants to communicate with this arc: You are never gonna win against the oppressors by playing their unfair and fuc*ed up game. The only way “out” is by rejecting the rules all together, either by escaping the system… or, trying to directly overthrow it, which I’m pretty sure is where the story is heading towards.
*by Behanort