
The unexpected twist between Pound and his daughters Lola and Chiffon!


Pound survived his encounter with Oven and later ended up in a tarte ship that drifted near the coast of Green Bit, being seen by the Tontatta Pirates.


He was then taken to the Dressrosa port, where his injuries were tended to before he was found by Lola and Chiffon.

Finally having a chance to speak with his daughters, Pound revealed that he is their father.


However, his daughters did not believe him. The two sisters and the Fire Tank Pirates then left Dressrosa without him.


What an epic troll-move by Oda!

Pounds entire existence is to suffer. He fell in love with an evil woman, spent a long time stuck in the ground in a freaky forest, got one moment of glory then Oven smacked him. He somehow managed to escape from Whole Cake Island, steal a boat, follow his daughter all the way to Dresrossa by himself despite being injured and lacking a Log Pose or a Vivre Card, and this is the thanks he gets?

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