
Top 10 Strongest Armament Haki Users – Ranked




Oden was an exceptionally skilled master of Busoshoku Haki. This is most noted as he was the only samurai who could tame the Meito, Enma despite its dangerous haki-draining properties, which even Kin’emon feared to accept. As a true and further testament to his skills, he was able to wound even the nigh-invincible Kaido whereas even Luffy using Boundman could not even damage him, displaying his supreme mastery of this Haki compared to Zoro who had his arm emaciated after his initial attempt at using Enma although he forced his Haki back into his arm.
Even at the age of eighteen, he was already masterful in using “Ryuo”, as he could imbue it into both his swords (Ame no Habakiri and Enma) hardening them and cleanly bisect the gigantic Mountain God of Wano in a single slash. At the age of twenty-nine, Oden could harden his swords and clashed against Busoshoku Haki enhanced Murakumogiri, one of the 12 Saijo O Wazamono belonging to Edward Newgate, who was an immensely powerful Busoushoku Haki master in his own right.



Shanks has great mastery over Busoshoku Haki, as shown during the Battle of Marineford, with his Haki infused sword he easily blocked Akainu’s magma enhanced punch that is powerful enough to burn the strongest enemies such as Ace, Jinbe, and even the Yonko Whitebeard.



Big Mom has immense mastery of Busoshoku Haki. By hardening her arm, she could easily block Luffy’s Gear Fourth Kong Gun, a tremendous feat as Luffy’s Kong Gun is powerful enough to break through powerful Haki based defenses of highly skilled Busoshoku Haki users such as Doflamingo, Cracker and Katakuri. Like Luffy’s Gear Fourth, her Busoshoku sports flame marks at its ending. She is also capable of using the advanced application of projecting her Busoshoku Haki out from her body, allowing her to strike opponents without directly making contact with them.


Kaidou is an immensely powerful user of Busoshoku Haki, which he is capable of imbuing into his kanabo. In the battle on Onigashima, similarly to Katakuri, his Busoshoku Haki was strong enough to damage Luffy who hardened both of his arms. He is capable of utilizing the advanced application of projecting his Busoshoku Haki out from his kanabo, allowing him to strike opponents many meters in front of him with devastating power without the need to make direct contact, and the attack power can be further increased if the kanabo is imbued with Haoshoku Haki.

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