Belo Betty is the commander of the East Army in the Revolutionary Army.
Betty has eaten the Kobu Kobu no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit.
The biggest strength of this fruit is the ability to increase other people’s physical strength by simply encouraging them. The user can encourage and strengthen multiple people at once, allowing them to turn entire groups of average people into powerful fighters, possibly turning the tide of battle. On the Lulusia Kingdom, Betty was able to turn a group of helpless citizens into strong fighters capable of overwhelming a Grand Line pirate crew with only sticks.
It is unknown if the user is capable of being strengthened by their own words.
Belo Betty has a low rank here because not much is known about her powers in detail.

As a harpy, she had the ability to fly. She could also use her talons to slash foes. In direct combat, Monet was a capable fighter, being able to fight against Luffy and later Zoro without much difficulty. Monet ate the Yuki Yuki no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit which allowed her to become and control the element of snow.

Nami’s fighting style focuses mainly on using the Clima-Tact to manipulate the weather of her surroundings, also known as the “Art of Weather”. Which when combined with her immense knowledge of meteorology and weather systems, can be used for devastating results.
After being further upgraded due to Usopp’s Pop Greens and Franky’s genius, Nami’s new Sorcery Clima-Tact is now the “culmination of all of Weatheria’s weather science.
After capturing the thundercloud homie Zeus, Nami can use her Clima Tact to store Zeus inside, and when necessary she can use Zeus supplemented with her Clima Tact abilities to perform destructive lightning attacks.

While not at the same superhuman level as Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, Robin has exceptional physical prowess, due to spending her entire childhood to her young adult life constantly on the run from various enemies, such the Marines and the World Government. Because of her harsh experiences, Robin became physically strong and extremely agile.
Robin ate a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit called the Hana Hana no Mi that allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing. The fruit’s major strength, as demonstrated by Nico Robin, is the ability to sprout multiple body parts on any surface including the user’s own body, the exception being Seastone. With this ability, the user can take on many attackers by using many sprouted limbs. Since the user is practically the only one who knows where their limbs will sprout out, they have the element of surprise on their side, meaning that unless an opponent is incapable of being held, e.g. through Logia Devil Fruit powers, any opponent that faces the user is practically defenseless against them, making this fruit one of the most powerful of the Paramecia class.

As a mink, Carrot is a natural-born fighter and can use Electro. Carrot is immensely quick and agile. She’s also physically very strong and possesses a large amount of stamina. She is shown to have a strong will as she was able to withstand a burst of Big Mom’s Haoshoku Haki.
As a member of the Mink Tribe, Carrot is able to access the Sulong transformation when looking at the full moon. In this form, Carrot’s strength, speed, agility, Electro, and fighting abilities are magnified, allowing her to take out multiple members of the Big Mom Pirates in the blink of an eye, and rip out the helm of Charlotte Daifuku’s ship. Her gliding abilities have also improved, as she was able to glide from the crow’s nest of the Thousand Sunny to Daifuku’s ship a great distance away. Using this form has a risk as it can cause severe exhaustion if used for too long.

Due to genetic enhancements, Reiju possesses immense superhuman physical abilities that were additionally honed through a stringent training regimen from a young age.
Possibly resulting from her genetic enhancements, Reiju wields immense poison-based powers, which garnered her the epithet of “Poison Pink.” She can suck poison out of people via mouth-to-mouth and ingest it, while having exhibited immense immunity to the most virulent of poisons. She’s also capable of secreting poison from her body and combining it with physical attacks. The poison is potent enough to affect powerful enemies such as Sweet Commander Smoothie, who called it troublesome.
Reiju has a yet to be named Devil Fruit of an unknown type.

Being a member of CP-0, the strongest of Cipher Pol, Stussy most likely possesses superhuman strength, but her full capabilities have yet to be seen. With a single finger thrust, she can produce a very powerful concentrated shockwave. She is also trained in the Rokushiki martial arts.
Stussy possesses considerable willpower, as she was able to withstand a Haoshoku Haki blast from Big Mom.
Stussy possesses the ability to use Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki.

The full extent of her abilities has not yet been shown, but she is known to be the worst female criminal in the age of pirates, and was imprisoned in Level 6 of Impel Down. Another testament to her power is the fact that when Blackbeard recruited the Level 6 prisoners, he only chose the strongest ones that could survive when pitted against everyone else in a free-for-all battle. Thus, Catarina Devon is one of the strongest Level 6 prisoners.
Devon ate the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune, a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows her to transform into a nine-tailed fox. With this power, she can transform into clones of people similar to the Mane Mane no Mi.

As a Sweet Commander, Smoothie is one of the strongest members of the Big Mom Pirates. Her bounty of 932,000,000 Berries suggests that the World Government considers her extremely dangerous.
Smoothie possesses an extremely high level of physical strength and extraordinary durability. She is shown to have a strong will, being able to withstand Big Mom’s Haoshoku Haki and remain conscious from her loud screams.
Smoothie ate the Shibo Shibo no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to drain liquid from both living and non-living things by wringing them out like a towel, making her a Dehydration Human.
Smoothie is also capable of using this ability to wring out poison, including from her own body, and can also dehydrate opponents by cutting them with her sword.
The fruit also allows Smoothie to absorb liquid into herself and her weapons to increase their size and power.

Noted as the the strongest warrior of the infamous Kuja Tribe. Hancock has immense physical strength. Her strength is supplemented with tremendous speed and agility and she has tremendous skills in hand-to-hand combat.
Boa ate the Mero Mero no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit, that allows a range of attacks which use emotions of lust or perversion to transform opponents into stone.
She is also adept in long-range combat and is capable of using her Devil Fruit powers to strike her enemies from a long distance. With the Slave Arrow, she shot down multiple New World Pirates at once, petrifying them in the process.
She is highly skilled in Busoshoku Haki which she can combine with her kicks. She also possesses Haoshoku Haki, which she can used to knock out a weak-willed people with a massive burst. Hancock possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.

As a Marine Vice Admiral, Tsuru is easily one of the most powerful Marines in the series, being a part of the same generation of prominent marines as Garp and Sengoku. Even in her elderly age of 63, Tsuru was strong enough to strike intense fear into Doflamingo.
Tsuru ate the Woshu Woshu no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows her to literally “wash and hang out to dry” people and objects as if they were clothes, turning them into flat and malleable like clothes. This disables the opponents by rendering them unable to move. This can also “clean” a limited amount of evil off the victims, which is considered a dangerous ability against pirates.
She is a user of Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki.

Gion, better known by her alias Momousagi, is a Marine vice admiral. Momousagi and Tsuru have a close-relationship due to Tsuru treating Momousagi as her little sister.
As a vice admiral, Gion is capable of using Haki. She is strong enough to be a candidate to become an Admiral. However, she did not make the cut, as Issho and Ryokugyu attained the positions instead. Chaton asked her out 100 times, but she rejected him each time.

As one of the Yonko, Big Mom is one of the four most powerful pirates in the world. As the only female member, this effectively makes Big Mom the single most powerful female pirate in the world. The Gorosei has stated that she is one of the few people capable of stopping Blackbeard.
Big Mom has acquired the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi after the death of its previous owner, Carmel, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manifest the soul of whomever she touches into an ethereal substance. She can grab hold of this substance and extract it from the victim, taking away their lifespan by an amount of her choice and absorbing it into herself. If taken at a sufficient number, it will kill the victim. She can put harvested souls into non-living things in order to give them life or into animals in order to give them human abilities. Those creatures are named Homies.
With her Devil Fruit powers, Big Mom used fragments of her own soul to create three special homies that are far more powerful than ones created with other people’s souls: Zeus, a thundercloud she summons with her left hand; Prometheus, a sun she summons with her right hand; and Napoleon, a bicorne she wears on her head. Zeus and Prometheus allow Big Mom to unleash extremely powerful flames and lightning bolts, and can also combine their powers to manipulate the weather and create massive storms as a manifestation of Big Mom’s unstoppable rage. She can also ride Zeus to fly at high speeds.
Big Mom has immense mastery of Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki.