People are too sure that Blackbeard was afraid of his own life against Whitebeard.

Now, can you imagine a guy who:
- Already killed one of the Whitebeard’s commanders, and captured another and knows that what would WB do to other people who killed his sons.
- He was chasing a 100+ bounty prize to become a Shichibukai.
- He invades Impel Down and faces Magellan.
- He throws his Shichibukai title in front of the Marine army and the Admirals.

- He invades Marineford and faces Whitebeard despite seeing he is still powerful enough to KO Admiral Akainu.
- He tries to obtain Whitebeard’s DF power (despite the risk of dying due to having two DFs) .
- He challenges the entire Marines and the World Government.

- Then he faces the Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Garp.

- He conquers Whitebeard’s territories in the New World.
- He faces Marco the Phoenix in the Payback War.
- He invades the Revolutionary Base.
I can’t imagine a guy like that is afraid of dying. It makes no sense.
Blackbeard himself said this:

Blackbeard : ”Luck may decide who lives and who dies… Bu whoever gets scared first loses!”
- Chapter 549
I don’t think Blackbeard was showing off here, or trying to be look cool to his crewmates. That’s what he believes. Which is why he was doing these things, such as facing with the strongest guy of the Impel Down without knowing his powers.
I think explained why I believe Teach wasn’t afraid of dying, because of what he was doing despite his intelligence he was taking great risks of losing his own life already. And suddenly he afraids of dying? Doesn’t make sense.
Alright, I will prove why Teach was acting against Whitebeard, first of all, we must not forget that Teach is a good actor. He played the ”son” role for 20 years without anyone noticing that he was acting.

Blackbeard : ”I stayed on Whitebeard’s ship for decades because I knew that was my best chance of finding that Devil Fruit.”
- Chapter 440
Look how Teach was begging ;
Blackbeard : ”Stop! Pops! I am your son right?! You’re not really gonna kill me!” - Chapter 576
I think the message is obvious here. Teach tried to deceive him by using his weakness to his own sons, and he tried to deceive Whitebeard. But Whitebeard wasn’t naive enough.
Now we know that Teach was acting for years on Whitebeard’s ship as if he was his son. That’s for certain. So why not he couldn’t do the same thing when he could? I believe Teach was acting because Teach’s life was never in danger.

A : Because even after the Whitebeard’s final Quake attack, when Teach asked him to not do it, Teach was perfectly fine, he was cursing Whitebeard, and he could even draw his pistol and shoot Whitebeard it.

If he actually believed that WB could kill him with that Quake Attack he either doesn’t know his own durability level (Not only that then he was even fighting against the Fleet Admiral afterwards with no problem) or he was simply acting.
B : If Teach actually believed that Whitebeard could kill him, why not he called his crewmates before that begging part? He could kill Whitebeard before the begging part. Then why did he do that?

The only logical explanation is that Teach was trying to deceive Whitebeard ”once more” as he did for years. Luckily, Teach was acting and Whitebeard’s attack was ineffective.
*Theory by Erkan12