So far One Piece has had 29 story arcs (and counting). Some so very long spanning across a year and others so short that it’s barely few months.
1. Dressrosa Arc: 101 chapters
2. Skypiea Arc: 66 chapters

3. Alabasta Arc: 63 chapters

4.Whole Cake Island Arc (still ongoing): 58 chapters
5. Enies Lobby Arc: 56 chapters
6. Water 7 Arc: 53 chapters
7. Fishman Island Arc: 51 chapters
8. Thriller Bark Arc: 48 chapters
9. Punk Hazard Arc: 46 chapters
10. Marineford Arc: 31 chapters
11. Arlong Park Arc: 27 chapters
12. Baratie Arc: 27 chapters
13. Drum Island Arc: 25 chapters
14. Impel Down Arc: 25 chapters
15. Sabaody Archipelago Arc: 24 chapters
16. Zou Arc: 23 chapters
17. Syrup Village Arc: 20 chapters
18.Davy Back Fight Arc: 19 chapters
19. Jaya Arc: 19 chapters
20. Post-War Arc: 17 chapters
21. Little Garden Arc: 15 chapters
22. The Orange Town Arc: 14 chapters
23. Amazon Lily Arc: 11 chapters
24. Post-Enies Lobby Arc: 11 chapters
25. Whiskey Peak Arc: 9 chapters
26. Romance Dawn Arc: 7 chapters
27. Laboon Arc: 5 chapters
28. Logue Town Arc: 5 chapters
29. Return to Sabaody Arc: 5 chapters
So, wich is your favorite Story Arc?