
Will CP-0 make a move and go after Robin and Who’s-Who in next Chapters?


I think this is worth discussing, cause in latest chapter, after Nico Robin defeated Black Maria, Oda made sure to add a panel of a Bird Marys witnessing Robin’s Victory.


We know that Bao Huang is dealt with, so that panel wasn’t added to explain her upcoming announcement of the Flying Six defeats and we also know that Kaido is alone and have no Marys with him to tell him his Officers were defeated, not to mention that Oda added this panel only after Robin’s fight and not other Flying Six fights.

I think the reason is very clear, CP-0 are informed of Robin’s victory and that Black Maria failed to capture her. Which suggests they will finally make a move. There are three of them, obviously one of them needs to stay in that room with that Marys woman just to stay uupdated and call the other two in case of new info or orders, so imo the Leader of those three will be the one to stay in that Room, while he sends other two.


One goes to make sure Who’s Who is dealt with and the other goes to capture Robin.
Which begs the question, who will fight them or at least intercept them?


My answer is very simple, in my opinion those three CP-0 Members are the same who showed up in Dressrosa and Oda made sure to add a scene where Law’s group sees them and Robin explains who they are to Usopp, meaning that among the Straw Hats, Usopp is the only one who is confirmed to know CP-0 exists and also can recognize them. So in my opinion Usopp will be the one to spot one of the CP-0 duo and go after him, since he will instantly conclude that he’s after Robin, no doubt.

Brook is there likely to stall CP-0 until both he and Robin are safe and someone(Usopp?) comes to support him. Anyway Brook might be enough to defeat the CP-0 member. It would be his chance to shine against a Tobiroppo level opponent.

For the CP-0 Member who will go after Who’s-Who, I believe a Non-Straw Hat will go after him and not someone from Wano, cuz they are completely ignorant about things outside Wano and they definitely don’t know what Cipher-Pol even are, so it must be someone else and the best candidate is obviously Drake!

As member of SWORD, I’m pretty sure he is an Enemy of CP-0 and one of his missions is spying on them and figuring out their true plans, not to mention that Oda already laid foundation for more Drake/Who’s-Who interactions (maybe Drake will end up saving Who’s-Who and they get to have a Private Conversation where Who’s-Who reveal some secrets & info to Drake and it will be perfect moment to reveal why Drake infiltrated the Beasts Pirates.

So what do you guys think? Will CP-0 make a move and go after Robin and Who’s-Who in next Chapters?

*by Salah WG

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