
A Small Detail Missed in Chapter 1029!


In Chapter 1029 the fight between Killer and Hawkins finally ends. Killer slices off Hawkins’ left arm and removes Kid’s straw doll from it. Hawkins summons his Straw Man, but Killer decapitates it and defeats Hawkins.


Killer has literally the highest IQ among the Supernovas so leave it to this genius to discover Apoo’s weakness, bypass Kaido’s defense with a sonic blade, slicing Hawkins’s left arm and more importantly checking inside since that’s where dead dolls usually emerge from.

Hawkins’s 92% chance of victory relied on Killer pleading as he took a beating, but the sadistic Magician was more interested in reducing everyone to his mental state than defeating the Kid Pirates. Kid and Killer climb the pirate world by pushing each other forward and making risky gambles like challenging the Big Mom Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates and the Beasts Pirates. Hawkins took the safe road with the highest odds only to lie defeated with a missing arm like Kid anyway. It truly is nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Rereading the chapter I found a truly brilliant detail! When Hawkins is falling to the ground, you can see the Judgment Card upside down.


Here’s the Judgement Card. Angel with an instrument looking down at three people.

Judgement upside down means giving up, missing out on a big chance or stagnating. Everything Hawkins did. Really cool little detail!

*by MillionMiracles

Current Location of All Major Characters in Onigashima (Chapter 1029)

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