
All 11 Former Shichibukai Ranked by Their Strength




Donquixote Doflamingo is the captain of the Donquixote Pirates and the most influential underworld broker under the codename “Joker”.
Donquixote Doflamingo is one of the most powerful pirates to appear so far. He has displayed physical abilities of superhuman strength, reflexes, spryness, dexterity and speed, with excellent reaction time.
Doflamingo has shown great profency in both Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki (Awakened). He also possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki. This makes him one of the very small number of people in the whole series who can use all three types of Haki.
Doflamingo ate the Ito Ito no Mi which grants him the ability to create and manipulate strings. He usually moves his fingers accordingly to bend them as he pleases for either manipulating people like puppets or bifurcating his targets. The strings are extremely thin and some may even be invisible, making it almost impossible to notice and avoid them.
The strings can also be used for cutting, allowing Doflamingo to effortlessly slice off body parts and destroy weapons.
In the case of an emergency, Doflamingo can use strings to repair his internal organs as a crude way to staunch the worst effects, though it is not considered actual healing or regeneration.
Doflamingo’s mastery of his Devil Fruit is so advanced that he was able to awaken his powers, being able to even turn his surroundings into string.


Blackbeard is the Admiral of the Blackbeard Pirates and the newest member of the Yonko. He has an immense amount of superhuman endurance and tremendous physical strength even for his comparable size.
Blackbeard has become the first and, so far, only user to wield the powers of two Devil Fruits at the same time. With the power of darkness (Yami Yami no Mi), which “reduces anything to nothingness”, and the power of quakes (Gura Gura no Mi), which “brings destruction to everything”, Blackbeard claims himself to be truly invincible and the strongest pirate in the world.
The most prominent feats of Teach’s power was defeating three commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates: Portgas D. Ace, Thatch, and later during the Payback War, Marco, the new Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Blackbeard is confirmed to possess the ability to use Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki.



Mihawk is the current holder of the title, “Greatest Swordsman in the World”.
Part of Mihawk’s reputation as the most powerful master swordsman in the world is also due to his tremendous superhuman physical power and fortitude which supplements his mastery of swordsmanship. He possesses an immense amount of skill in battle and has exceptional eyesight.
The fact that Mihawk used to be a rival of one of the Yonko implies that Mihawk might be one of the strongest characters in the series. Infact he has been known to have frequently fought with Shanks when they were younger. Their battles were said to shake the whole of the Grand Line and Mihawk often sought Shanks out for duels. However, Mihawk lost interest in him after Shanks lost his left arm. Mihawk has remained unharmed thus far throughout the entire series.

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