
Crocodile and Daz Bonez are the 2 Intruders seen on Chapter 1046 Cover Page


Everyone speculates that these two intruders seen in the cover page of Chapter 1046 are the Blackbeard Pirates.


But hear me out – Blackbeard Pirates have nothing to do in Chocolat Town. No Poneglyphs, no real enemy, and nothing to accomplish. Also, the cape and the boots just don’t fit someone in the Blackbeard Pirates. And don’t forget that it is a side story, it is meant to fill holes of characters in the story. If something that big (like Blackbeard Pirates arriving at Big Mom’s territory) will happen, it will be in the main story.

So… who else can it be? I’ve searched for a “Pair” of characters that used to be together. First of all, I thought about maybe the other 2 Germa members that were not captured, but the cape and the boots just don’t seem to be synchronized. And then, I figured it out, I found the perfect match (the boots, the capes, everything!): Crocodile and Daz Bonez.


Also, the last panel that we got these two was when they were reading the news about Luffy, after Marineford.


Crocodile contradicted Daz’s remark saying that he himself was healed, and decided to head out to the New World as proof. Crocodile then invited Daz to go with him. Daz naturally accepted the offer without hesitation.

Also, it will be great for a cover story to show that these two really went to the New World together and arrived in Big Mom’s territory (when every other strong member is not there).

*by LydexPredictions

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