
Marco is the Real MVP of Wano Arc so far!


King was saying he is busy in Chapter 1004:


King was seen as fighting alongside with flying gifters against Marco in Chapter 1005:

Marco wasn’t even panting, except for one time when he was trashing King + Queen at the same time.

Back to Chapter 1022. How Marco can move faster than both King and Sanji, if he was defeated? Surely not:


Notice how Marco moves after King and Sanji, but still ends up faster. He is far faster than King, not even close.

Kaido after defeating Luffy was panting;


Rayleigh while fighting with Kizaru was panting:

And Marco is not even panting yet:

He could keep soloing King + Queen, but he leaves King and Queen to Zoro and Sanji instead.

*by Erkan12

The 2 Wings of the Pirate King

The Secret Fire Race of the Red Line!