
Oda explains why Fanservice in One Piece is Revolutionary


Oda explains why Fanservice in One Piece is Revolutionary

In manga and anime, “fanservice” refers to content that is included primarily to please or cater to the audience, particularly by providing elements that are visually or emotionally appealing. This can include scenes that emphasize a character’s physical attributes, such as revealing outfits, suggestive poses, or situations that may be considered sexually provocative.


Fanservice is often used to attract and retain the interest of certain segments of the audience, particularly those who enjoy specific tropes or themes. However, the use of fanservice can vary widely in its subtlety and intent. In some cases, it may be integrated into the narrative in a way that complements the story or character development, while in other instances, it may be perceived as gratuitous or unnecessary.

It’s essential to note that fanservice is a subjective concept, and what one person considers fanservice may differ from another’s perspective. Additionally, the inclusion of fanservice can sometimes be controversial, as it may objectify characters or perpetuate certain stereotypes. As such, discussions about fanservice often involve debates about its role, impact, and appropriateness within specific works of manga or anime.

The topic of fanservice in One Piece was brought up in the SBS Volume 105 where a fan asked why there are little to no panty shots.


This question is meant seriously. One Piece often features shots where women show their chests, but it hardly ever has any underskirt panty shot. Is there some reason or policy you have for why that is the case?


This is Oda‘s answer:

Nah… it’s just something I’m not interested in myself lol. Ever since I was a child, there’s been many manga that feature fanservice scenes, but most of the time it’s done against the consent or will of the female characters… so I feel that having females show their sexuality out of their own volition such as like with “happiness punch” is a much needed revolution for the representation of heroines in manga.

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