
Oda is going to deliver Chapter 1000 by the end of the year!


Oda is still on track to make 1000 this year. Since no break next week, we are getting chapter 994 then.


This means Oda can take a break after chapter 994, do chapters 995-997, take another break, and do chapter 998-1000 all by holidays this year. We have 10 more weeks and 8 more chapters before Weekly Shōnen Jump goes on its 2 week break.

Oda must feel the pressure of being one of the most popular author on the planet. He knows he is in the process of delivering one of the greatest stories ever told, and he desperately wants to share it with everyone. It’s incredibly altruistic how much he sacrifices his life and body for his story and fans.


*by gohankr/athos45678

A Small Detail Missed in Chapter 993!

Tragic Twist in Onigashima!