
Pudding And The Power of The Memo Memo no Mi


Pudding ate the Memo Memo no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to extract memories in the form of film strips and manipulate them. She can cut away frames to remove memories and paste on new frames to add new memories, which can take the place of the removed memories.

The memory extraction appears to be painful for the target and can cause them to faint afterwards, allowing the user to place them in a different area in order to complete the illusion. Pudding keeps various memory frames stored in her room so she can add them to other people’s memories. With this, she can afford to reveal her plans to her enemies without compromising the plan. After she shot and captured Vinsmoke Reiju and gloated to her about the truth of a plotted betrayal during the wedding ceremony, Pudding used this power to remove Reiju’s memories of their encounter, replacing it with a memory of being shot by a stray bullet.

In details, the techniques she uses are:

  • Edit: Pudding cuts out part of a target’s memory and adds someone else’s memory to take its place. Pudding is able to use the same altered memories several times.
  • Memories Fil: Flashback: Pudding creates threads from the palms of her hands, causing those who make contact with them to suddenly remember their old memories, temporarily distracting them. When used against homies, this will cause them to remember events from the lives of people whose souls were used to create them. 

Unlike another memory altering Devil Fruit, the Hobi Hobi no Mi eaten by Sugar, if the user is unaware of being eavesdropped or spied on, they are unable to modify the third party memory of an event. If the third party is able to inform the victim of what really happened, then this fruit’s power is meaningless. Additionally, despite the switching of memory, the victim might still suspect their new memories are false if there are other memories that can contradict it. To remove a memory, the user seemingly must have a pair of scissors.


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