
Relationship between Doflamingo and Violet


Viola, also known as Violet, is King Riku Dold III’s second daughter, making her the crown princess of Dressrosa and current heiress to the throne, after Rebecca forfeited her title.


In order to save her father’s life, Viola joined the ranks of the Donquixote Pirates and seemed to have earned Doflamingo’s trust enough for him to call her by real name. However, Viola herself hates Doflamingo for what he did to her family and country and wished to kill him.

In the SBS of volume 83, a reader asked Oda why Viola and Doflamingo called each other “Violet” and “Doffy” in Chapter 788. Oda replied that there is a deep secret behind this, but because it is a pretty adult part of the story, he could not tell the reader more.


Why do Doflamingo and Viola call each other “Doffy” and “Violet”? Actually there is a profound setting about it, but I’m afraid I can’t tell you. I told my editor about it, though. Considering ONE PIECE is Shonen manga, I’d like to hide it since the reason is for adult audience. Dressrosa is a nation of passion, indeed!!” (E.Oda)

Now this looks so different…



The Devil Fruits were created by Im in order to defeat the Ancient Kingdom