
The Incident on Egghead that Will Shock the World!


Now that we know that York is the traitor and that Shaka and Pytagoras are dead, we can safely assume that either none of the Vegapunks will escape the island or that only one of them will.


The fact still remains: Vegapunk, much like Momonosuke and Yamato, knows too much about the world to simply join the crew. Even if his knowledge only extended to the Poneglyphs, having him join would make Saul’s revival pointless (unless you count it as a general “good news” for Robin instead of a plot hook to get the Straw Hats to Elbaf).

Based on what we know so far, I’m fairly certain that the Marines WILL get to Egghead before the Straw Hats manage to leave and that they will manage to destroy the Punk Records dome, causing Vegapunk and/or his clones to lose all the knowledge he accumulated in those years. I don’t think he’ll become dumb, he will just have to re-research everything, which would take way more time than it will take the Straw Hats to get to Laugh Tale “legally”.


*by MirirPaladin

All Four Emperors will soon hold the same 3 Road Poneglyphs!

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