A lot of people are enforcing the idea that Oda is setting up Luffy’s devil fruit to be special over this panel in Chapter 1042. Despite it’s just Luffy being creative with his devil fruit.

People ignore the fact that Snakeman’s form isn’t just a faster Gear Fourth. It’s also the incorporation of Future Sight in that form. It’s how Luffy’s attacks are precise and can’t be always dodged since it’s always gonna land the next time with Future Sight whenever his opponent dodges or blocks the early attacks.
That’s why Kaido says this then proceeds to imitate Luffy using his own Future Sight.

Luffy has always been creative with his devil fruit and that’s why it’s “special”. Luffy made it special.
Even with the first appearance of Gear Fourth. Luffy incorporates different things into it to make it versatile and powerful by mixing his devil fruit capabilities and Armament Haki to hold his body shape into it.

Luffy’s fight with Katakuri was also the same thing. Katakuri still had the gap in terms of usage of his Future Sight but Luffy’s creativity managed to get more advantage into him by mixing Future Sight and making his form to move faster.

*by DarkNeko0007