
The Onigashima Raid proved that we shouldn’t judge a Character’s Power until his Fight is over


The Onigashima Raid proved that we shouldn’t judge a character’s power until his fight is over.

Back when the Scabbards cut Kaido, people were talking about Kaido being less strong than they thought and were complaining about him seeming too weak. Then Kaido said “you may think you hurt me, but you actually didn’t” and stomped them all once he left Dragon form.


When Luffy learned to coat his attacks with Conqueror’s Haki people were hyping the shit out of his strength, I’ve heard people say stuff like he’s now Top 10 strongest characters or he doesn’t even need Gears anymore. Then Kaido beat him off-screen.

When Marco took on King and Queen at the same time people were hyping up how crazy strong Marco is for doing that. Now we see that Marco got his ass kicked while King and Queen don’t really seem hurt or exhausted from the fight at all.


People expected Who’s Who to be monstrously strong given he was Jinbe’s opponent and seemed really confident in his abilities. Then by the end of his fight he seemingly was unable to even hurt Jinbe who just kept tanking all his attacks.


A lot of people saw King as kind of a disappointment compared to how much hype Katakuri got, but now he’s actually fighting Zoro a lot of people are getting excited about him. And given that we haven’t seen him go Hybrid form and we don’t know the full extent of his fire powers I have a feeling this is only gonna increase.

This may be kind of a bad example because I feel there was less of a consensus about this, but I get the impression that a lot of people were underestimating Yamato’s power when she debuted. Heard people say she’s just a little stronger than Flying Six level or the like. Now she’s 1v1ing Hybrid Kaido, and again while I’m not as familiar with the power-scaling consensus, I’m a bit worried that people are going to overestimate her when from what we’ve seen of the fight so far all she has done is block Kaido’s attacks without hurting him in any way. Like, I’m expecting her to get at least one cool moment ala Law’s Gamma Knife against Doflamingo or Wiper using the Reject Dial on Enel, but with all these other examples I mentioned I wouldn’t put my expectations too high.

*by Dreadnautilus

Why recent developments for Sanji and Zoro don’t undermine their strength and achievements at all

Zoro belongs to the Clan of D.