
The Three Guardian Deities of Wano


Is Hiyori the “Pheasant” of our raid on Onigashima and not Marco as commonly believed?


With our most recent developments, our rooftop rumble has ¾ of the suspected Momotaro role-players, missing just the pheasant.

Typically the thought around here is that Momonosuke’s companions to defeat the Oni Kaido are supposed to be representations of those that accompanied Momotaro in the folktale.

  • 1-Momonosuke is meant to play the role of Momotaro, he is the true heir of Wano and the dragon that will replace Kaido, who is seen as a Guardian Deity.
  • 2-Monkey D. Luffy as the “Monkey” the person they’ve been waiting for to help usher in the new dawn. As stated by Yamato when recounting Oden’s journal to Momo – he is the one they’ve been waiting for – an act of fate. He is even described as looking like a “Guardian Deity” by Hyogoro during the raid.
  • 3-Yamato as the “Dog” – Some of the last powerful Samurai of Wano gave up their lives to assure she is here 20 years later, she has vowed to fight for Wano and has gained a mythical Inu Inu fruit that is said to be a ”Guardian Deity” of Wano according to Kaido.

…and then there’s Marco. Yes, Marco has a connection as one of Oden’s friends, but is his role and connection here on the level of the other three aforementioned “Guardian Deities”?

  • When Marco arrives he explicitly says he does not know what his role will be, and shit he is right my man is doing a little of everything – stalling Big Mom, holding off the Ice Oni virus, holding off Queen and King at the same time, but he is not fighting Kaido.
  • In fact, Marco has been pretty adamant that he is not a star of this battle.
  • Tells Queen that they’re up against a New Generation now.
  • When he arrives in the dome, he tells the Straw Hats that they’re the “real muscle”.

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