
Where is Momonosuke hiding in Chapter 1005?


In Chapter 1005 we see Shinobu asks where they can move Momonosuke to a place he won’t be seen as Yamato tells Momonosuke to jump into her clothes. So where do you think Momonosuke is hiding?


For me, Momonosuke is not in Yamato’s chest! I’ve brought with me some analyses to support my opinion on this important matter.

As you can see, Momonosuke is the size of Yamato’s torso if not bigger.

So there is no way he can fit into that space Yamato is showing up above.
This should be enough to conclude my thread but let’s not!


Now I bring you some pixel measurements even if not reliable if should help somehow.
Momonosuke is 110 cm.
Luffy is 174 cm.


The image above seems like a good scale with Momonosuke’s 110 cm to Luffy’s upper body’s 86 cm. Unlike the following scale with the following image.

It’s wrong scaling. Luffy is not the double of Momonosuke’s height.

Next, we have Luffy as a ruler to Yamato since her infos aren’t out yet.

The first one Yamato is about 236 cm high.

Second one is about 261 cm high.

Third one is about 267 cm high.

These three images above with different angles of Luffy and Yamato should show how big Yamato is. But it’s not really accurate of course.
Still give us an idea how big Yamato is. Sp for argument sake, let’s say Yamato is about 255 cm high by doing the average of the 3 measures I did there.

Now we move to scale Yamato’s torso and the little runt.

Momonosuke’s full body is not shown in the above panel but he’s already the size of Yamato’s torso.

So in my opinion, Momonosuke isn’t hiding between Yamato’s heavenly melons!

I’m more inclined to Momonosuke hiding on Yamato’s back as there is a shadow over her back, that or he’s holding himself inside the pants because it’s spacious enough there.

Anyway, you guys can see that I’m bored… But not really! This is an important matter to be discussed about!
First the little rat leeched of Nami, then he went on and took a bath with Robin! You think it’s over? NO, NOT EVEN CLOSE!
The runt continued his late father’s legacy by sleeping with BOTH of them! Nami and Robin!

The little runt must be stopped, he’s far too dangerous for this world!
Even Kaido and King want his head because they saw his potential to become the most dangerous man ever!

*by I’mTired

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