
Why Aokiji joined Blackbeard – Akainu’s Plan


What are Akainu and Aokiji up to? This question has plagued me since the end of the Punk Hazard arc and it got worse when it was revealed that Kuzan was joining the Blackbeard Pirates during the Dressrosa arc and later confirmed that he has actually joined the Blackbeard Pirates at the end of the Dressrosa arc.


Akainu and Aokiji have opposite ideologies on where the line between right and wrong lies but they are both Marines to the core and everything they do is in the interest of Justice.

Now that being said, I have come to the conclusion that Aokiji is working undercover as a disgruntled former Admiral and his handler is none other than Akainu himself. And they came up with this arrangement during their battle on Punk Hazard. Now Aokiji’s first mission was the infiltration of the Underworld to gather information on several key players in the New World. This explains his arrival at Punk Hazard as up till that point the events of Punk Hazard were only known to those who are involved in the Underworld. Now while there he tells Smoker to quickly inform Akainu and have him react swiftly to avoid a worst case scenario that would be beyond the capabilities of even the Marines. Now at this point Aokiji is clearly sharing intel with the Marines, which is what you’d expect an undercover Marine to do.

His next mission is the infiltration of the Blackbeard Pirates( which is now in progress).


Now Blackbeard caused quite a storm at Marineford and went from obscurity to becoming a Yonko in a very short time deceiving and manipulating both the World Government and Whitebeard. And in addition to that, he is the only person to have multiple Devil Fruits, wielding the most powerful Paramecia and Logia respectively. It doesn’t make sense for Aokiji to join the Blackbeard Pirates since in addition to being pirates their ideals are a complete antithesis to his. Now the reason for his infiltration might be to gather information on their movements, powers, allies, territory and quite possibly the secret behind Blackbeard’s multiple devil fruits and how they are stealing devil fruits as well as how they can be taken down.


To further support the possibility of Aokiji being undercover. When the Gorosei bring up the issue of Aokiji joining Blackbeard to Akainu he quickly dismisses it as though it’s nothing important, now this is a former Admiral joining a troublesome Yonko’s crew and Akainu acts like it’s no big deal. The reason behind his attitude when the Gorosei bring this up is because he is protecting Aokiji and also doesn’t want the Gorosei to know he is undercover.

Those are my thoughts on Akainu and Aokiji. Please let me know what you think.

*Theory by Tribes-Man

Old Era VS New Era

Paramecia Classification and Possible Awakenings