
Why Nico Robin has the most undervalued bounty among the Straw Hats!


So I have been wondering for a while now on why Nico Robin doesn’t have an above 1 Billion Berries bounty and she only has a 130,000,000 Berries bounty.


1- Robin has a powerful devil fruit

2- She’s part of the “5th Yonkos” crew


3- She was involved with the Revolutionaries for two years.


4- She escaped Enies Lobby

5- She is the only person that can read the Poneglyphs which means:

-She can find out about the Void Century that the World Government is trying hard to hide;
-She can find where Laugh Tale is which is what the Marines don’t want.

Oda has foreshadowed Sanji vs Rob Lucci Fight in Wano

Oda drew genderswapped versions of Straw Hats, Shichibukai, Supernovas and Admirals