
10 Characters That Could Die In Wano Arc


5-Trafalgar Law


The most anticipated fight in Wano is the final clash between the Supernovas Trio (Luffy, Law & Kid) and Kaido.
There’s a pretty popular theory according to which Luffy will literally die at the hands of Kaido and Law will use his Ope Ope no Mi power not to give him eternal youth, but to bring him back to life.

4-Eustass Kid

Eustass Kid will join Luffy in order to take revenge on Kaido.
We all know what a monster Kaido is, so Kid could definitely be one of the characters that could die at Wano Country.

3-Kurozumi Orochi


Kurozumi Orochi is the Shogun and ruler of Wano Country.
20 years ago Oden’s wife Kozuki Toki proclaimed a curse on Orochi.
Toki specifically told Orochi that 9 shadows will be cast on a moonlit night and kill him in 20 years.
Orochi interpreted it as a prophecy that nine samurai would kill him in revenge.
We know that Asura has 9 hands and appear like 9 shadows. Also Oda wouldn’t just reveal that Orochi uses a 2 swords style just like that for no reason. I think it heavily implies Zoro will fight him because he uses 3 swords style. Orochi will think it’s the 9 samurais that have come to kill him. But he will be killed by Zoro’s Asura which he is not expecting at all but it fulfills the prophecy in the end.

2-Big Mom


Big Mom traveled to Wano Country with her crew and children in pursuit of the Straw Hats and to retrieve Zeus.
At Onigashima, Big Mom has allied with Kaido.
The two Yonko decided to form an alliance, resolving to take over the world together before going back to trying to kill each other.
This makes Big Mom the main opponent in the upcoming war in Wano alongside Kaido.


Since the beginning Kaido was hinted to be the main opponent of Luffy and his Allies in the Wano War.
We know that Luffy and his Allies are going to somehow defeat Kaido. Kaido is said to be immortal, he’s been hyped up as indestructible and more importantly, he wants to die. So it makes sense if Kaido is killed at the end of the Wano arc.

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