
Blackbeard Takes Gorosei Devil Fruit Power


Blackbeard Takes Gorosei Devil Fruit Power

I think Kizaru made his choice, he’s going to side with the World Government.


The main objective for the Straw Hats is to escape to safety with Vegapunk, Kuma and Bonney.

Kizaru will be defeated by a collective effort from the Straw Hats to parallel Sabaody, because now they’ve grown as a crew and can join forces to surpass an admiral, I don’t think Luffy will 1v1 and win against Kizaru.

Saturn will be dealt by Blackbeard, this Gorosei will die in this arc and Blackbeard will somehow steal Saturn powers, ZEHAHAHAH


In the end of the arc, the Straw Hats flee to Elbaf, Saturn dies, Kizaru is defeated, the Buster Call fails to erase Egghead and it’s a complete defeat to the World Government; somehow this will be news and shock the world, Revolutionary Army will continue to act and everywhere will be in chaos because of the return of Nika and the Government oppression.


And I think Kuma is already dead, he seems to be acting based on instincts, when they flee we’ll get a funeral for him in the ship. Probably Bonney joins the crew to help Nika in his journey for the One Piece, it will be cool to have another child-like character in the crew, similar to Chopper.

*by Next_Marionberry_74

Oda explained how he draws females!

The Reason why Kizaru was nerfed while fighting Luffy