
How Luffy will overthrow Im-sama and the World Government!


The Seven Warlords


The Seven Warlords system was designed by the World Government to counter pirates and to maintain the balance of powers. They are allied with the World Government are supposed to take on pirates. However, none of them actually do this. They mainly do what they want like normal pirates. Most of the original and even the newer warlords are isolationists and do their own thing. Funny enough the only warlord that actually did their job solely for doing the job was Mihawk when he was going after Don Krieg. And maybe you can argue Weevil, Kuma, and Jinbe but they did it for personal reasons not for the job or the government.

The rest just do their own thing and if a pirate comes into their area they get crushed like Boa and Moria. The others are just using it to safely advance personal power like Blackbeard, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Law, and Buggy. If the government wanted real allies in their pursuit of maintaining the “balance” (I will talk about this later) why wouldn’t they chose more active and good pirates like Luffy? Luffy is essentially doing what the warlord system was set up to do, protecting the innocent and attacking bad pirates. The warlord system was hated by normal people. And when the Warlord system was removed, people were celebrating because the warlords never really helped keep the peace.


It is almost like it is by design that the system would draw in and select pirates that either wanted to left alone or abused their power and oppressed more people than they helped. The point of the warlord system was to create further divisions in the pirating world and make kingdoms more reliant on Marines for protection as well as make it harder for people prosper. For example, Alabasta and Dressrosa both of which had good leaders that were attacked by Warlords. You don’t see corrupt kingdoms being taking over by warlords.


The point of the warlords is to further divide up the world and cause problems not to solve them. Also why would the World Government care that common people are being hurt when they themselves have slaves and see the people of the surface world as dirt? They are worse than Doflamingo. The Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders, and Im benefit off slavery, weapons, and war. The more chaos the warlords cause the better it is for them. The warlords were always to bolster their own power never to keep peace.

The Yonko

Same thing as above. The Yonko have territories that are held captive by the Yonko for decades further dividing up the world and making it harder to connect people. And they do messed up things like the Celestial Dragons and the World Government. Remember the Yonko aren’t as much of a threat to the World Government as we are lead to believe. Sussy went to Big Mom’s party. CP0 trades for weapons in Kaido’s terriority. Shanks doesn’t go against the World Government and is even allowed to talk to the Five Elders in person. Blackbeard is Blackbeard. They are kept under tabs and watched but are never actively pursued because their corruption helps their corruption. And if one of them poses a threat like Whitebeard trying to prop Ace to be the Pirate King, the World Government goes after them.

The Marines

They exist as a way to control people’s perception of the World Government. Marines are given credit for taking down threats (like Crocodile) and covering up threats to the World Government (Ohara). We never really see Marines going to war to help free governments from tyranny or help people on a large scale.

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