
New Power-ups for Kid and Law vs Big Mom!


In Chapter 1029 Law and Kid’s fight against Big Mom continues.
Kid is unable to move and has severe headaches due to Hawkins’ powers, leaving Law to fight alone for a while.
Law manages to deal a blow to Big Mom using Counter Shock before getting struck by Prometheus.


Killer eventually manages to defeat Hawkins. As a result of Killer’s actions, Kid, along with Law, recovers before starting to fight against Big Mom the second time. Now Captain Kid is about to go ham against an Emperor and prove why he is one of the upcoming leaders of the next generation like Luffy.

I’ve seen a lot of people saying they can’t see Kid and Law beating Big Mom because she’s barely taking any damage and Kid and Law don’t have a way to hurt her.


But I disagree. Kid and Law have 2 ways to hurt her: Awakening and Haki bloom. Both of them could awaken their devil fruits; they’ve both had their devil fruits for a while and are proficient with them, now is the best time to awaken them. Especially to show the audience what a non producing type paramecia awakening could look like.


As for Haki, we’ve been told countless times that Haki blooms in combat and Kid and Law are having a hard time fighting Big Mom right now. It would make perfect sense for their Haki to bloom in this fight, especially for Kid. Luffy literally learned Advanced Conqueror’s Haki a few chapters ago and he didn’t even knew that it was possible, but now seems like Kid doing the same would be a plot convenience even when we’ve seen that among the Supernovas he is the closest one of being Luffy’s rival.

While Kid’s Conqueror Haki abilities are still largely unknown, I think he has massive room to grow this arc. The reason being that we’ve yet to see any backstory from Kid. Usually in manga, backstories/flashbacks are often associated with massive power-ups. With Kid being as important as he is, we still need a backstory to flesh out his character. I believe Oda is going to drop this sometime in the battle and alongside it, give Kid a massive Haki bloom.

Many people are acting like Law and Kid can’t get power-ups because they’re not Straw Hats, which doesn’t make sense, because besides Luffy, they’re the 2 most important fighters on our side. If they lose, the Raid fails and everyone dies. Both Kid and Law have proven they’re durable enough to fight Big Mom, all they need is a power-up.

The whole arc is about the new generation defeating the older one, but you guys do really expect for Kid and Law to just stay there looking at Luffy taking all the winnings against the Yonko?

“But Luffy said he would defeat her”. Yes, and what? He said the same about Jack yet they have never interacted with each other. Also what was the point of bringing Big Mom to Wano if she wasn’t going to be defeated this arc? And to add to that, if you guys think that Kid and Law defeating her is an asspull and that Luffy is the one that needs to do so, how could he defeat her AFTER Kaido?? Like, that would be the real asspull if you ask me.

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