The new opening of One Piece “Dreamin’ On” has been showing some interesting spoilers of the Manga.

Everyone knows about the scene with Big Mom/King/Queen together. But I think they also spoiled some Straw Hats team ups that are coming up.

In chapter 991 we saw Usopp and Nami separate from the other Straw Hats, with Page One and Ulti, and here’s a screenshot from the opening.

So I’ve looked back in what else was there.
The next things I can see happening in the Manga. We got a shoot of Sanji running with Luffy (Where we are right now in the manga).

Then in the opening we see Zoro catching up and running with them.

With this I can see Zoro leaving the current Apoo fight to catch up with Luffy and Sanji while all three try to make their way to the top.
Later in the opening we get a scene of King and Queen coming in and then Sanji and Zoro with Luffy already being with Kaido.

In between these two scenes is when we get the other Straw Hats. Which makes me think in the next few chapters we’ll get our matchups in this order.
- Usopp and Nami – In chapter 991 we see they’re going to be against Page One and Ulti
- Robin is on her own. The current Tobiroppo who’s alone is Black Maria. Here’s a scene from the opening where Robin is clutching a bunch of Beasts Pirates.

- Franky and Chopper are together. With the recent revelation that Franky is leaving the Performance Hall so the Number Hatcha doesn’t go wild, I feel like Chopper will end up going with him.

- Brook on his own. Here’s a panel of Brook slashing into a Beasts Pirate on his own. There’s no other Beasts Pirates around so he may be out of the Performance Hall himself and meet up with an enemy elsewhere.

And after this we’ll finally see Sanji and Zoro together fighting King and Queen with Luffy up on the roof.

*by GreenLanturn73